What is Virtual Reality? History, Future and Applications

Define Virtual World

Virtual world is a computer stimulated environment where user can interact with each other through digital avatars and characters. Virtual world mimics the real-world settings but in fictional landscape. Virtual world offers immersive, interactive experiences where people can explore environments, interact with objects and communicate with other user in real time. There are many applications of virtual world including video games, social platforms, training simulations and educational tools.

History of VR

It seems like virtual Reality is a invention of recent times, but in fact VR is a concept which has roots stretching from early imaginative works to modern technological breakthroughs. Let us explore the beginnings and step-by-step evolution of VR with historical references.

Binocular Vision [1838]

Charles Wheatstone presented the explanation of stereopsis1 in 1838. This research work resulted in the construction of stereoscope. The invention of stereoscope was a step forward towards the right direction of virtual reality.

Pygmalion’s Spectacles [1935]

Stainley Weinbaum an American Science fiction writer presented the world’s first fictional model of VR in his written story Pygmalion’s Spectacles.2

HMD Tele sphere Mask [1960]

In 1960 first head mounted Tele sphere Mask was invented by Heilig. This device was able to provide stereoscopic 3D images. Tele Sphere Mask headset was not equipped with motion tracking at that time.

Sensorama [1962]

Morton Heilig created the first VR machine known as Sensorama3. Sensorama is considered as one of the earliest examples of immersive technology.

Sword of Damocles [1968]

Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull created sword of Damocles. Sword of Damocles was first head mounted virtual headset which was connected with a computer rather than a camera.

Videoplace [Mid-1970s]

During mid 1970s Myron Krueger developed Videoplace4. Videoplace is considered as one of the successors of virtual reality devices. Videoplace setup was developed in a laboratory and computer graphics, projectors, video cameras and video display with position-sensing technologies were used in this setup.

Aspen Movie Map [1978]

 Aspen Movie Map5 provided users a virtual tour of Aspen Colorado city. Aspen Movie Map system was developed by MIT and it offered three modes option of winter, summer and polygons.

Sayre Gloves [1982]

Daniel J. Sandin and Thomas Defanti created Sayre Gloves6 in 1982. Sayre Gloves were first devices with gesture recognition. The gloves were capable of monitoring finger movements of hands and converted it into electrical signals.

Super Cockpit [1986-1989]

Tom Furness invented Super Cockpit7 which was first virtual reality system for pilots. Super Cockpit provided 3D virtual space to pilots where they can learn different aircraft skills.

Virtuality [1991]

Virtuality Group launched “Virtuality8”; it was a set of VR devices which was used for immersive gaming experience. Virtuality contained stereoscopic VR headset, Joystick and tracking devices which provided multi-player VR gaming experience.

VR-1 [1994]

Virtual Reality Amusement Park VR-19 launched by Sega. This VR amusement park contained motion base pods with VR headsets. VR-1 provided virtual reality experience to general public which was matchless at that time.

Virtual Vietnam [1997]

Virtual Vietnam10 was developed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder patients. Virtual Vietnam was a virtual creation of war scenarios which helped doctors and therapists to apply therapy techniques more effectively in virtual settings.

Google Street View [2007]

In 2007 Google Introduced Google Street View11, a technology which provided panoramic view of street. Google Street View was using stitched VR photographs with 360-degree view to help the users to find locations.

Oculus Rift DK-1 [2013]

Oculus Rift DK-1 was the first virtual reality headset which was providing realistic VR experience to users. Oculus Rift DK-1 was best VR device with latest technology as compared to all previous VR inventions.

A Breakthrough in VR [2014-2015]

Year 2014 is considered as a breakthrough year for VR technology. Because in 2014 Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 was introduced which was a better and improved version of the headset. Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 provided improved immersive experience with positional tracking, allowing users to learn and look around in VR.

Facebook acquired Oculus VR and envisioned VR as “new communication Platform”. This acquisition was a breakthrough for VR history, for the first time VR was positioned as a future social and entertainment platform.

Sony entered the VR arena with the announcement of Project Morpheus (later named PlayStation VR) for PlayStation 4. This was decisive movement for VR’s potential in the gaming industry.

Google introduced Google Cardboard in 2014. Google Cardboard is low-cost VR solution which allow users to experience VR with their smartphones.

2015 was the year when Samsung partnered with Oculus to introduce the Samsung Gear VR. Samsung Gear VR displayed smartphones in the VR headsets.


During 2015-2017 VR technology started becoming available for common man as a source of learning and entertainment. VR roller coaster of Nasdaq Stock Market was launched by Wall Street Journal.

360-degree VR videos were created by BBC and Washington post also launched Oval Office VR experience. This was the time when most of the companies started creating VR products, HTC VIVE steam VR headset was first commercial VR headset with sensor tracking. Year 2019 was described as “The Year Virtual Reality Gets Real” by Forbes. The VR products market reached to $5 million by 2019.

Oculus Quest 2 was launched in 2020 and it received positive feedback from users due its advanced features.

Apple Vision Pro [2024]

Apple launched Apple vision pro in February 2024. Apple vision Pro is a blend of AR and VR. Vision Pro is equipped with spatial computing with variety of applications and pro level immersive experience for users.

Future of VR

Future of VR is bright with more opportunities and possibilities. New VR technology has experienced remarkable growth and innovations especially as of late 2024. Since virtual reality emerging technology is continuously emerging and is resulting in futuristic headset, advancements in hardware and accessibility. With new virtual reality technology VR hardware landscape is rapidly evolving. Different companies have introduced more affordable and user-friendly headsets. VR is getting integration with AI to revolutionize AI experiences.

Virtual Reality the Future of Gaming

There is no doubt in the fact that virtual reality the future of gaming is revolutionizing gaming.  Future of VR gaming is highly immersive and it will take players beyond traditional screen-based interactions. There is a lot of advancements in VR hardware, such as lighter hardware, more comfortable headsets and improved motion tracking. The players can interact within 3D environments that feel real and tactile.

Virtual Reality Gaming News

Virtual Reality gaming news are most authentic and useful source of latest updates and information for online gamers. Virtual reality Gaming news provides on-time information regarding upcoming gaming release the future updates and upgrades along with financial updates.  Free VR newsletters12 are also authentic source of latest VR news.

Impact of VR on Gaming

There is a lot of influence of virtual reality on gaming. The way it is transforming over all gaming is remarkable.

Immersive Gameplay

VR games place players directly in the game world. This is the VR fact that it provides complete immersion to players. VR has changed the scenarios from traditional screens and controllers to virtual world which seems too real.

Realistic Environments and Graphics

VR games are powered by powerful processors and advanced VR-ready GPUs, which allows for realistic textures, lighting and interactive environments. This provides a proper feeling of realism not possible with conventional gaming platforms.

Social VR Experiences

Multiplayer VR games and social platforms allow random players to interact within shared virtual spaces. These virtual games spaces are used both competitive gaming and social meetups.

Expanding Genres

VR has opened the ways for new gaming genres such as rhythm-based fitness games. These full body movement VR games are adding fitness element that traditional gaming lacks.

  VR News

VR News Refers to the latest updates, trends and innovations in virtual reality technology. VR news covers the latest on virtual reality either related to software, hardware, advancements in VR gaming integration of VR application in education and healthcare.

Virtual Reality Facts

We all are known to virtual reality technology around us and it is considered as a modern concept. But there are some interesting facts we can call virtual reality facts which are very contrary to our thoughts.

Origin in 1960s

The first and very interesting Virtual reality fact is that concept of VR dates back to the 1960s with the “Sensorama a machine developed by Morton Heilig. Also, first VR head-mounted display was created by Ivan Sutherland in 1968 known as “The Sword of Damocles”.

Ivan Sutherland VR

Ivan Sutherland VR13 is considered as one of the founding figures of virtual reality. In 1968 Ivan Sutherland along with his student Bob Sproull developed the first head-mounted display system which was named “The Sword of Damocles”. Ivan Sutherland virtual reality device was very heavy weight and required mounting to a ceiling due to its weight.

VR in Space Exploration

NASA is using VR technology for training of astronauts, mission planning visualization and remote exploration. This is one of the surprising uses of VR technology. VR usage in space exploration is helpful in reducing risk of damage before and after launches.

Virtual Reality is Beneficial for Tourism

Virtual reality provides a virtual tour of hotels and destinations which is very helpful for tourists. With this virtual tour tourists tend to know the facilities and limitation with travel destinations and accommodation of hotels available. This VR approach has proven very profitable for travel agencies and groups as well. Thomas Cook a British travel group has reported 190% increase in tour bookings after providing virtual tours to destinations.

Virtual Reality is more than Gaming

Most of the people believe that Virtual reality technology is used in gaming advancements, to provide immersive experience to gamers. But the situation has changed no Virtual reality has been integrated into various field like travel, health, education and trade as well.

VR is Engaging Baby Bloomers as well

Recent Research indicates the just like Millennials and Generation Z, Baby Bloomers are also attracted towards VR technology. Elders also enjoy visiting different locations and social interactions at virtual locations.

3D and VR

3D and VR and two technologies are that closely related with each other. There are certain differences between technologies in certain aspects, but both technologies work together to create immersive digital environments.

3D Rendering the Future of VR

3D rendering is considered as foundation and base of VR as it creates models, images with more depth, width and height that feels like real-life objects or scenes.

Virtual Reality Bringing Life to 3D

Virtual reality takes 3D to a new level by immersing users in a fully three-dimensional interactive environment. Unlike 3D, VR surround users with visuals in every direction and allow them to interact with objects.

VR Headsets Vs 3D Monitors and TVs

VR Headsets: VR technology can be experienced at VR headsets like Meta Quest, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive create a 360-degree space for users displaying stereoscopic images.

3D Monitors and TVs: 3D technology can be experienced at some monitors and TVs that support 3D displays. This 3D display is not fully immersive at all but gives a sense of depth when viewed with special glass.

Virtual Reality Companies

In Recent years Virtual Reality has become an integral part of many companies. Virtual Reality has been integrated into medical, training, education, travel, employee development, e-commerce, retail and non-gaming entertainment as well. That is why virtual reality market is expected to grow at 91.54 billion by 2031.14

Following is some key players in the VR industry.


Meta is one of the biggest virtual reality companies in the world. This company is a leader in VR hardware and software. Meta launched Oculus Rift headset in 2016, followed by the release of HTC Vive and PlayStation VR. Meta is working on creating a “Metaverse” which will be a blend of VR, AR and social interaction.


Apple is also made entry in VR products through Apple Vision Pro15. Apple vision pro works on AR and VR and creates a mixed virtual reality space. Apple vision pro is more like a modern goggles with which users can navigate apps, view images and watch videos with mixed views with real environments.

HTC Vive

HTC Vive16 is one of the largest VR companies. The company produces Vive line of VR headsets with high-resolution displays and motion tracking. Company also offers Viveport platform where it offers VR apps and other VR content.


Sony is one of the most popular VR gaming companies. Sony produces PlayStation VR and PS VR2. Sony VR products offer immersive gaming experience to players.


Valve produces Valve index a high-end virtual reality headset, which provides advanced and enhanced VR experience. Valve index is typically used by gamers as it is compatible with many VR games.

Groove Jones

Groove Jones is a Virtual Reality technology company. Company was founded in 2015 and has made a name for itself by creating immersive and engaging VR experiences. Company uses 3D modeling, animation and spatial design to produce realistic environments and lifelike models.


Microsoft has become a prominent player in usage of virtual reality technology in its projects. Microsoft HoloLens are Microsoft’s flagship mixed reality headsets designed to project 3D holograms overlaid onto the real world. Microsoft Mesh is a virtual collaboration platform which allow people from different location to interact in a shared environment.

VR Applied

VR Applied is top virtual reality companies in using virtual reality technology in patient care and treatments. VR Applied was founded in 2015 and focuses upon using VR technology to improve patient outcomes by offering immersive evidence-based VR therapy.

Lucid Reality Labs

Lucid Reality Labs used VR technology to design and develop interactive 3D environments for industries like healthcare, education, training, and retail. Lucid Reality Labs prime VR projects are for medical and healthcare stimulations, Corporate and workforce training and education.

CXR Agency

CXR Agency creates VR and AR solutions of entertainment, education, healthcare, and real estate. CXR agency create VR applications which helps in creating 3D models and animation which are very helpful in training and stimulations helpful in learning and skill development.

Virtual Metaverse

Whenever we think about virtual metaverse there are multiple questions that comes into our minds that what is the metaverse, what does meta and the metaverse mean? What does metaverse look like?

The answer to these questions is that Virtual metaverse is an immersive digital environment where users can interact in real-time through avatars. Virtual metaverse is a fusion of different latest technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and blockchain technology. Virtual metaverse offers 3D virtual spaces for social interactions, activities, gaming, learning and working.

Virtual Metaverse is offering

  • Avatars and Identity
  • Immersive 3D spaces
  • Social Interaction
  • Virtual Trade
  • Interoperability
  • Virtual Metaverse has many useful applications like
  • Gaming
  • Virtual Workspaces
  • Education
  • Retail

Virtual Reality Applications

Virtual Reality technology is evolving with time and its applications has expanded to different fields and industries. Now virtual reality technology and VR gadgets are used in various fields.

Healthcare and Therapy

VR technology is extensively used in medical training and stimulation. Healthcare professionals are trained about surgeries and procedures in a risk-free environment. By immersing patient in calm virtual environments, VR technology is used to reduce pain perception. Similarly, VR techniques are helpful in treating PTSD patients by exposing them to controlled virtual environments.

Education and Training

This is the most useful application of Virtual Reality. VR classrooms provide immersive, interactive learning experiences. VR classrooms are very helpful for remote learning and complex subjects like history and science. VR technology is also very helpful for corporate trainings as companies use VR to train employees in real-world scenarios like customers service and emergency response.

Architecture and Property Dealing

VR provide 3D walkthroughs to properties, providing a realistic scene of space, layout and design. Architectures and designers create VR models of the projects so they can visualize the designs and modify it before construction.

Retail and E-Commerce

Virtual Reality is extensively used in Retail and E-shopping technology. Buyers can easily browse and shop in virtual stores which is very engaging experience in online shopping. Customers can virtually “try on” items like clothes, accessories and even furniture to see how they fit in real life.

Manufacturing and Engineering

VR technology is very helpful in Manufacturing and Engineering industry, as engineers can create virtual prototypes. Virtual prototypes allow design adjustments in projects without physical materials which helps in speeding up product development. Construction workers undergo VR safety training to minimize risks with heavy machinery operation.

Sports and Fitness

VR controlled environment stimulations are very helpful for athletes to practice and refine techniques to enhance performance. Virtual fitness apps and games make physical activity more enjoyable and accessible.

Tourism and Hospitality

VR application can be seen tourism and hospitality as well. Now people can experience virtual tours of destinations. VR tours allow people to explore cities, landmarks, and cultural sites from their homes. Furthermore, hotel and resort virtual tours offer preview of rooms and facilities before booking.

Military and Defense

VR technology is also applied in military and defense. VR combat scenarios help soldiers in preparation without dangers of live training. Soldiers also learn about vehicles features, equipment controls and operations without any risk.

Interior Design

VR applications can be seen in interior designing as well. Like architecture interior designing has also become very productive with VR immersive environments. Homeowners can choose the design according to their needs and visualize the details before finalization.


VR technology is also transforming entertainment industry. Different movies can be seen in VR headsets with better immersive experience.  Disney Movie and Flipside provide VR experience to user for better interaction with characters.

Art and Design

VR also helps art designers to create new artworks. Artists can experience their artwork in 3D space which results in better detailing and preciseness.

Corporate Meetings

VR technology is extensively being used in corporate meetings. Now people can conduct conferences and meetings in virtual environments. Remio VR, Rec Room and Horizon Workrooms allow VR meetings in interactive way.


To Conclude, virtual reality (VR) has come a long way from early inventions like the stereoscope and Sensorama to modern advancements like Oculus Quest and Apple Vision Pro. Today, VR is not just about gaming; it’s used in education, healthcare, business training, and many other areas. It provides immersive and interactive experiences that are changing the way we work, learn, and enjoy entertainment.

By combining VR with technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and 3D rendering, virtual worlds are becoming more realistic and accessible. VR is now used for things like virtual tours, architecture design, military training, and even medical treatments. The rise of the virtual metaverse shows how VR can create new ways for people to connect and collaborate online.

As VR technology continues to improve, its impact on our daily lives and industries will only grow. From its early beginnings to the exciting possibilities of today, VR is shaping the future, making it easier to explore, create, and interact in ways we never thought possible.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereopsis ↩︎
  2. https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?entryid=4543 ↩︎
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensorama ↩︎
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Videoplace ↩︎
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspen_Movie_Map ↩︎
  6. https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=3625 ↩︎
  7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333298137_Virtual_Reality_Pioneer_Tom_Furness_on_the_Past_Present_and_Future_of_VR_in_Health_Care ↩︎
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtuality_(product) ↩︎
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VR-1 ↩︎
  10. https://www.jarrellpair.com/virtual-vietnam-ptsd-therapy-system/ ↩︎
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Street_View#:~:text=History,-Google%20Street%20View&text=Street%20View%20had%20its%20inception,2007%2C%20in%20the%20United%20States. ↩︎
  12. https://www.thevrara.com/newsletter ↩︎
  13. https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=861 ↩︎
  14. https://www.skyquestt.com/report/virtual-reality-market#:~:text=The%20Global%20Virtual%20Reality%20Market,period%20(2024%E2%80%932031) ↩︎
  15. https://www.apple.com/apple-vision-pro/ ↩︎
  16. https://www.viveport.com/?hl=en-US ↩︎

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